.                          RE14000
United Kingdom


 Catalog no. RE14000
 Country United Kingdom
 Date 01.01.1943
 Face value 6x2 1/2 / 6x2 / 6x1/2
 Category 1.3.1 Manufacturing / Various Manufacturers
 Type personalized stamp
 M i c h e l permission demanded at the moment
 S c o t t permission demanded at the moment
 Y v e r t Permission to use the numbers is given.
 Remark div. Hersteller MH grün, Innenblatt mit Reklame für SUNBEAM Fahrräder, "You pay a little more for a Sunbeam…. But you get real Quality - SUNBEAM - The Best Bicycle That Money Can Buy"; Text auf Deckel: Be sure to see PUNCH somehow
 BS Issue -