.                          RE32154
Sri Lanka


 Catalog no. RE32154
 Country Sri Lanka
 Date 01.01.1903
 Face value FIVE (lila) Revenue
Category 1.5.0 Sales / Advertising
 Type cinderella
 MICHEL no.no permission
 SCOTT no.no permission
 YVERT no. -
 Remark Vertrieb/Werbung private OVP / overprint "CAVE", The H. W. Cave & Co Ltd was founded in 1876 by Henry W. Cave in Colombo/Ceylon - selling books, musical instruments, … Later Cave Co. included sporting goods with Rickshaws, billiard-tables, Singer and Allday’s bicycles, … Ariel Works from Birmingham made cycles under the 'Arrow' name for H.W. Cave. In addition to using a variety of overprint styles between 1884 and 1908, they also used the CAVE / COLOMBO perfin on issues of 1872-1880 and the CAVE perfin from about 1912 to 1963. These private overprints, similar to private "perfins," were intended to prevent theft of stamps for non-business use by employees. They are the private equivalents of various official overprints such as "On Service".
 BS Magazine-
LinkArrow made by Ariel Works